Ecological Lord’s Prayer
“Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name, Your kingdom of ecumenical peace come, Let Your ecological will catch the entire universe. Give us this day our daily water and bread, Your creation heal and regenerate, As we regard it as our mother in your light. Save us from this time of trial and from destroying the foundation of our existence. For you are the effervescent source of life and creative peace for ever and ever” – Amen
Helmuth Werner
Welcome to Echo Forest
Ecumenical Centre for Homiletic Orientation Forum - for Ecological Spirituality and Sustainable Turnover
Pulpits and pews are engaged in the pursuit of finding meaning of the message of the Scripture and the message in the sermon preached in the church in the light of the reality of their life situation.

About Us
Echo Forest
The world is facing life threatening problems because of the careless and greedy use of natural resources and irresponsible ways of handling the eco system.
Preaching and pulpits are at the intersection of Biblical message and life situational realities
Ecumenical Preaching Centre for Homiletic Orientation and Forum for Ecological Spirituality and Sustainable Turnover (ECHO-FOREST) is committed to develop and promote skills in preaching focusing on various aspects and areas of preaching.
Werner College Of Preaching Is Committed
To train the students, pastors and preachers in the Science & Art of Preaching.
Werner College Of Preaching Identifies
That History of preaching has been the history of the Church right from the beginning.
Sustainable Turnover
To develop a Spirituality of Sustainability and create awareness of caring for God’s Creation.
Visionary leaders with a passion
Prof. Rev. Dr. Alfred Stephen (Prof. Homiletics, India.)

Rt. Rev. Dr. Prof. Helmuth Werner, Bishop, Diocese of AMOR.

Werner Theory of Eco Spirituality
- Human Responsibility (Knot 1. like obedience)
- Mindfulness is Peace ( Knot 2. like poverty)
- Spirit is Life (Knot 3. chastity)
Growing Together in God’s Word
“Spreading God’s Word”
The homiletic Lab: Skill Development in Preaching organized under the banner ECHO-FOREST WERNER COLLEGE OF PREACHING conducted at Witter Theological College, Wokha from 18-19, July 2017 was very resourceful not only to the students but also the faculty members and the church pastors who attend the program. Indeed imparting the basic homiletic knowledge was the need of the hour yet because of the unavailability of proper resource person/s, the college as well as the Lotha Baptist Churches Association could not materialised their desire for such program earlier. Learning is a continues process and we look forward for such programs in the future as well.
“Lighting the Way”
The program on Homiletic Lab: Skill Development in Preaching led by Rev. Dr. Alfred Stephen is first of its kind in India. The nature of the program is very vibrant, dynamic and very practical. Indian churches today need to embrace such initiative for strengthening the pulpit ministry with open arms and provide the space for the church leader for skill development in preaching. I deeply appreciate Rev. Dr. Alfred Stephen for the untiring heart he has not only for the growth of the department of homiletic in the theological colleges/seminaries but also making sure that skill development in preaching reaches the church leaders who are not informed about the subject through various initiatives. This is my prayer and desire that the ‘Homiletic Lab’ reaches to the corners of Indian churches and strengthens the pulpit ministry to a great extend.
Dr. T. Nzanthung Ngullie Principal Witter Theological College, Vankhosung Wokha, Nagaland.
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