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Alfred Stephen Biblical Sermon Topical ContextualTextualTextual ThematicExpositoryExegeticalBiographicalBible StudyPropheticParabolic DoctrinalLife SituationalBirthBaptismConfirmationMarriageBaby ShowerHouse DedicationFuneralFestivals LiberationDalit SermonFeminist SermonEcological…
CSI Platinum Jubilee Pillar
Church of South India Platinum Jubilee Pillar is designed in triangular shape to denote threequarters…
Love that Christmas Revealed
Alfred Stephen God so Loved the World that God gave God’s only Son…… John 3…
Ethos, Vision, and Mission as Contextual, Progressive, and Pragmatic Homiletic Theories
Abstract: Progression of any dynamic reality is governed by theories. In other words, anything that…
From God particle to omega link
The European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) in Geneva announced on 4 thJuly 2012 that…
Am Anfang und am Ende ist die Ökologie
Joseph Weizenbaum, der international renommierte Professor fürComputerwissenschaften am M.I.T. in Cambridge/USA, stellte bereits im August1984…
Vom Gottesteilchen? zum Omega-Knoten!
Am 4. Juli 2012 teilte das Europ. Kernforschungszentrum CERN in Genf mit, dass daslangesuchte Gottes-…
Venustransit: Hope in spite of global turbulence
The Club of Rome predicts a dismal future for the earth in its latest report…
Einige Texte von Prof. Helmuth Werner zum Wasser von 2009-2021 für WCP
Am Anfang war das Wasser. Das Wasser war schon da, als Gott nach der biblischen…
Auszug aus derGrussbotschaft von Prof. Helmuth Werner, Dr.theol.zur Vorlesungsserie Homiletics Local and Globaldes Echo-Forest-WCP vom 27. August 2021
ZEHN JAHRE FOREST: PAX ETBONUM! Erst wenn der letzte Baum gerodet, der letzte Fluss vergiftet,…
Gedanken eines Theologen zu einer Mammutbaum-Skulptur
Prof. Helmuth Werner Die naturnahe Holzskulptur ruft mich als Theologe in Zeiten der grössten Klimakatastrophe…
My Theology, Vision and Ministry of the Church – “Envisioning Together an Open Church in an Open World”
Alfred Stephen The urgency of the Church and preaching to dream an Open Church is…
Homiletics of Empowerment
Alfred Stephen MissionMission India has been progressing forward depending on the contextual needs of the…
Methodological Presuppositions in Homiletics
Alfred Stephen Introduction Method in research is simply the way one approaches the research. Methodology is…
Ethos, Vision and Mission as Contextual, Progressive and Pragmatic Homiletic Theories
Progression of any dynamic reality is governed by theories. In other words anything that is…
Preaching Renaissance in the Global Public Square
Contextual Reality: An Introduction The urgency of the Church and preaching to dream a Preaching…