Alfred Stephen
God so Loved the World that God gave God’s only Son…… John 3 : 16
Love of God which was revealed at Christmas implies Covenantal Love and Relationship. This verse has a covenantal force within it: God loved us, God sent the only Son, When we believe in Him we will not perish but have everlasting life. Covenant is God’s self-commitment to God’s own faithfulness to God’s people. Covenant is built on Words, there an Oath involved and there is also a Promise given. God is committed to His own faithfulness towards His people in redeeming and liberating them. God builds covenant with His people by sending the only Son asking people to believe and promising redemption and liberation.
Covenant Love revealed in Christmas is a :
- Voluntary Love
- Loyal Love
- Participatory Love not an emotional one
- Quality Love
- Unfailing Love
- Redeeming and Liberating Love
- Challenging Love
- Life-Giving Love
- Love that gives freedom to converse and interrogate
- Reciprocal love of Rights and Obligaiton
Covenantal Love revealed in Christmas:
- Goes beyond the rule of law
- Goes beyond sin and betrayal
- Recapitulates Mercy and Tenderness of heart
Covenantal Love Revealed in Christmas Promises
- Redemption
- Liberation
- Grace
- Fellowship
- Community Life
Covenantal Love revealed in Christmas demands:
- Our Faith
- Our Loyalty
- Our Dependance
- Our Obedience
As we celebrate Christmas this year in the midst of all messiness in the world, let us be reminded of the Covenant Love God has revealed in Christmas and be confident that God is self-committed to His own faithfulness towards us. I wish you all a meaningful Christmas and a blessed and Grace-filled New Year 2022.