History of preaching has been the history of the Church right from the beginning. Preaching catered to the spiritual needs of the people on one hand and challenged the social issues on the other.
Appropriate interpretations of the Biblical passages by going to the roots and also taking the living conditions of the congregation members seem to be sidelined by superficial and irrelevant interpretations which do not meet the people with the truth of the Gospel.
That wherever preaching was powerful the church has grown and problems have been resolved. Wherever preaching diminished, so also the church and the problems mounted. But this truth is seldom recognized.
That while the context of preaching is radically changing as a result of various developments in the world, the process of Theologizing in sermon seems to be lagging behind, making the sermon irrelevant.
That the world is facing life threatening problems because of the careless and greedy use of Natural Resources & irresponsible way of handling the Eco-system.
That Realities and Problems of the past are not any more intense as it was before. They are camouflaged with new challenges of the present.
That each year the world faces new problems & new challenges. India especially faces unthinkable problems and challenges which curb normal life. This is an ongoing process. But sadly, these problems are not addressed justly and with the aim of solving them.
That the church as an equipping body needs to address these challenges in preaching in order that the members are prepared both to question and face the challenge.
That the Pastors and Preachers need to be trained both to have strong Biblical base in their sermon and handle these social issues in their preaching and work towards Justice, Peace, Intergrity of creation & harmony.

Train the students in Science & Art of Preaching
- To train the students, pastors and preachers in Science & Art of Preaching.
- To expose and teach pastors, preachers and students to the enormous types of sermons & to practically engage them in preparing each type of sermon and delivering.
- To equip pastors & preachers in methodological issues involved in preaching.
- To teach methods of handling Ecological and Social issues Biblically, Theologically and Practically, with the view of motivating the pastors and preachers to be more practical than abstract, in their Ministry.
- To develop a Spirituality of Sustainability and create awareness of caring for God’s Creation.
- To train the students, pastors and preachers in the Science & Art of Preaching.
- To teach various techniques of sermon delivery and inner details of the Art of Preaching.
- To give wide opportunity to exercise their learning in Churches & Homiletic Labs and evaluate them for betterment.
- To serve the church, staying within the frame- work of the Ministries of the Church.
- To be a contributing body to Theological Education in India.